Just for Clubs ~ Annual Renewal
Each year your club renews its affiliation agreement with TAA. This is done by paying the annual renewal fee, completing the Club Membership form and a Risk Management Audit, these forms are returned to TAA prior to the expiry of your annual club agreement and if satisfactory your affiliation agreement is renewed.
Keeping up to date with club fees and paperwork enables TAA to continue to offer inclusion in TAA insurance coverage, payment is recommended to be made prior to the due by date. It is important to note that once overdue your insurance cover is inactive. Incomplete renewals in excess of one calendar month overdue will result in a cessation of your TAA affiliation and insurance cover.
You may also wish to note, the TAA insurance policy only covers activities that are carried out as “Not For Profit Activities”. The Australian Tax Office defines a Not For Profit organisation as:
“Not-for-profit (NFP) organisations are organisations that provide services to the community and do not operate to make a profit for its members (or shareholders, if applicable).”
Operating as a “Not For Profit” it is a condition of your continued affiliation with TAA and may also be a condition of your State Government Incorporation status. If you are unsure if your club is operating “For profit” for any of its members, you should obtain your own legal advice concerning this.
TAA also advises that the Club insurance policy also requires that all Regular Club members are at all times financial TAA members. TAA individual membership is a contract between TAA and the individual and must be completed by payment directly to TAA and using the TAA membership form (digital or physical). Your club may wish to pay memberships on behalf of your members, this may be arranged by regularly requesting Club Membership lists by an authorised Club Committee member. However, no club may state or infer “Club membership provides automatic TAA membership” or similar or prevent TAA from contacting its members.