Graham Foster "Fossy" to his mates - 2022
Les Simpson
TAA Life Member 02
Saturday 10th September 2022
Location: Tully Bow Hunters Tully QLD
It is a great honour today to be presenting Graham with this TAA medal of appreciation. Beautifully mounted with his certificate by Greg Smith. He has and continues to promote traditional archery and selflessly taking the time to teach others the skills he has. Graham is a master leatherworker and has trained dozens of other people in his craft. Promoting bowyers and donating his time and craft to better the sport of archery and all traditional skills related to archery. He has also been involved with archery clubs in QLD. Helping develop them and is always available for advise to these clubs.  
Graham was the first craftsman to offer his skills to start funding TAA back in 2005. He has continued to offer of himself to TAA since then. We take time out to thank this great master craftsman, traditional archer, bushman and special mate to us all.
Thank you, Graham from traditional archers all over Australia. Our TAA members and committee for your years of dedication to the sport of traditional archery.